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Hunter x Hunter (2011)

“These humans are definitely foolish creatures. Think as hard as those weak brains of yours can manage. Do you humans ever listen to the cries of mercy coming from pigs and cows you slaughter?” – Meruem

Hunter x Hunter (2011) is the reboot of the original in 1999 and is not a sequel. It is an action, adventure, fantasy, shounen, and super power anime released in October 2011 by Madhouse with 148 episodes.

General Rating: 9.1/10

My Rating: 11/10 HxH is a typical adventure story following Gon and Killua, along with many of their friends. But let me tell you, there is NOT A SINGLE boring moment throughout the entire story! Sometimes we wouldn't see our main protagonists for several episodes, but it was hardly even noticeable thats how flawless the story construction is! I do have to say, there is ONE thing I could not stand about this anime. The narrator. He usually only spoke at the end of the episode, so fine, whatever, just skipped him. But he was just an unnecessary piece to this story. Still, 10/10 regardless, since his impact is that small. The battles are what I like to call "intelligent battles" where tactics, planning, and adaptability all come into play. There is no mindless brawling, but rather each move, each strike is a move to back their opponent into checkmate. Psychological and emotional trauma is another key element the story introduces so smoothly, that I found myself bonding with these characters and calling out to them throughout many critical scenes. The art style is pretty normal honestly, but fits 100% with the story! Gon and Killua ACTUALLY look like they're 12... I know, crazy right? And gosh, the emotions portrayed were just flawless! It completely enveloped me into their story, their world, and their lives! Character designs were unique, badass, and cool! Not even the side characters were left unpolished! In a game of guess the main character, you'd never win in HxH! This type of style was super interesting to see! Also, those huge eyes... I love them! Makes Gon look so cute and innocent all the time. Soundtrack is phenomenal with catchy openings and awesome battle music that makes you wanna kick ass with a fishing rod! (No joke!) There really isn't much to say about it, except it thoroughly fits the story and is throughout enjoyable to listen to with and without the story accompaniment. The characters are really what makes it such a great anime.. they are all such interesting characters with very distinct, unique personalities, quirks, and thought process. I personally love anime where I'm able to see inside the characters' heads and predict how they will handle certain situations throughout, and HxH executes that extremely well! Even the final "enemy" ended up being one of my favorites! Not to even mention their unique fighting styles. They were all exciting, interesting, and new to watch. These characters made you bond with them as if they were real! They were deep, motivated, and beyond exciting to watch! It didn't matter their status of friend or foe because characters from either side were great! Definitely not the best people. .. but as characters they are 10/10 themselves! Gon and Killua's rivalry/friendship is my MOST favorite anime friendship! They are 100% rivals but never at odds with each other (Natsu and Gray // Naruto and Sasuke) which is truly what makes their bond so special. They spur each other to become better, stronger.. constantly competing, but are always smiling to each other. Now was you can probably tell from my review, I adored this anime! It's settled into its rightful spot on my top tens. It's pretty much a flawless, deep, emotional, adventure anime. It really doesn't have any weak points in my opinion and is strong in every category. But don't jump into this thinking you're in for some lighthearted adventure with two cute little boys because let me tell you, this anime is anything but. You gotta be ready for some shit to go down, because this anime will lead you through emotions like you wouldn't believe. Also some pretty messed up stuff too. Hunter x Hunter is a masterpiece! The fights developed the characters, were eye-catching, heart-pounding, edge-of-your-seat fights that we expect of anime action! I can almost guarantee you it won't leave you dossappointed! The pacing is great, meaning there is never a dull moment! Definitely will watch again and recommend it completely, especially to fans of Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Phi-Brain, Seven Deadly Sins, Fairy Tail, or Attack on Titan.


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