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Tsuki ga Kirei

“To find someone you love and for that person to return that love, walking together in life on the same path, that is the greatest and only kind of miracle that exists in this world."

Tsuki ga Kirei (As the Moon, So Beautiful) is an romance and school anime originally released in April 2017 by Studio Feel with 12 episodes. The series also includes an OVA and special.

General Rating: 8.3/10

My Rating: 11/10

Tsuki ga Kirei is easily the most subliminal, emotionally intense, romantic masterpiece existing in the world of anime today. However, the absolute perfection of this masterpiece is very easily missable. Outwardly, it looks bland and boring. "Basic plot, boring characters, emotionless romance, no depth..." I've heard it all before. TGK has been hated on for being emotionally dull, having a shallow plot, being too damn slow, and for "doing something thats been done a million times before." Yes, TGK does have a pretty high ranking here on mal, but hardly anyone I talk to can understand the true depth and emotion that drives this anime. Two middle schoolers discovering love for the first time doesn't sound like the most interesting and unique plot, but heres where TGK surprised me. It's the realistic, awkward portrayal of these emotions, the way it handles the steady development from tension into trusting eachother, and how consistently realistic and emotionally driven the story and characters are that makes the story such a masterpiece. The progression of plot doesn't rely on words, but rather expression. We don't need to see inside the characters' heads, because we can already understand their thoughts by their nervous gestures, their eye contact, their movement.. everything you would expect to see in getting close to someone in a real relationship. TGK is an extremely simple love story between two young, but mature kids. Because its simple, the raw emotions key to a successful romance are extremely present. The fluttering beat of their hearts, their innocent, longing gazes, the pure desire to be close to eachother... TGK just keeps them so real and in their natural element. The way their hands awkwardly find eachothers... each of their romantic scenes are so simple, but so extremely well executed they just awaken my desire for romantic interaction every single time. Tsuki ga Kirei is beautifully crafted with pure simplicity. The minimal dialogue use and reliance on expression throughout the story is what I believe to be one of the most unique elements of TGK. People taking issue with this saying it makes it "dull and boring" are really just MISSING what this anime truly strives to be. The slow pacing of this anime doesn't make it boring. In fact, its what brings it to life! Scenes where the two characters are just staring at eachother are full of emotion, nervous tension, and in fact are very realistic. This anime touches on themes such as the anxiety, fear, vulnerability, and heartache love brings along with it. However, despite the quiet, awkward characters, they are both quite straightforward. This anime doesn't waste time to get to the point - romance! They start off as shy, barely talking to eachother, yet there is an instant "spark" between both of them that draws each of them to the other, as they struggle to overcome their own issues so that they can experience romance with eachother. One of the other interesting aspects of the story is how the mains communicate using LINE, online texting, and how their important their messages to eachother are. I would definitely recommend pausing the anime to read these, as they are quite important in the development of their relationship. This is the first anime I have seen to use online communication in such a way, and it was a rather interesting contribution to the story. [a bit of spoiler] The feels started to hit me from the very beginning, only strengthening each episode until climaxed by the end. It captured in detail the raw emotions of the two mains falling in love together for the first time... looking over to someone who loves you as every bit as much as you care for them... nothing captures these emotions and experiences I long for myself as much as Tsuki ga Kirei does. It makes my heart pound because their emotions match mine. When Akane breaks down about not wanting to loose Kotarou to another girl and over her fears that his interest in her will fade with the distance, I felt that deep inside. Seeing her break down after holding it in for so long, not wanting Kotarou to think she distrusts him, was literally a direct blow to my heart. Or how Kotarou summoned bravery, being the first break the tension that hung between them, boldly confessing to the girl he likes **without having ANY idea whatsoever that she likes him back.** And us as the audience, don't know how she will even reply to this, as we only can read her emotions - not see her thoughts. The fact that shy, quiet, and nervous Kotarou took his feelings so seriously enough to step out into the unknown like that and speak so openly about his feelings to a girl he barely knows was awe-inspiring to me. Truly proved in that moment that his feelings towards Akane were greater than his fear of being rejected, which by his actions during the scene, we could all tell he was struggling with.[end bit of spoiler] The art is still very beautiful. Smooth animation, enjoyable, simple character designs. The "watercolor" palate is also pretty unique. The scenery and characters are both well done and quite pretty to look at. Some of the CGI's could use a bit of work, but regardless, it was still enjoyable. The art itself emphasizes the real to life emotions and expressions. It was so clear to me, made me sad how a lot of people missed it. Now like the anime, the OST and OPs to Tsuki ga Kirei are pretty simple and minimal. However, they are beautiful tracks and really fit the animes whole theme. Can listen to any of them on repeat for hours on end, bringing back emotional memories. The music plays right along to the emotional ride your heart is on... wouldn't have changed a thing. As I mentioned while writing about the story, the characters are truly what makes TGK special. Kotarou Azumi is a soft spoken aspiring writer, who loves the author, Osamu Dazai, repeatedly taking advice from his writings and quoting him beautifully throughout the anime. It's Dazai that inspires Kotarou in both his career path and his love with Akane. Akane Mizuno is the equally quiet star of the track team. The two wind up being in the same class for their last year of middle school, where sparks of innocent love and desire begin to slowly flood their hearts. Another thing I enjoyed about this anime, was that while love triangles existed, they didn't consume the plot. Now this can be looked at both as positively and negatively. The side characters almost seem to only be present to create this said love triangle. They are hardly developed, and exist primarily for the soul purpose of the love triangle. However, considering this anime only has 12 episodes, its forgivable... yet I still mark this as TGK's only flaw. Chinatsu Nishio is a bright, energetic friend of Akane who loves to tease Kotarou, eventually developing a crush on him. Her feelings towards Kotarou actually has a little more depth, as she did seriously pursue him romantically, and had development with her feelings towards him. As a side character in a 12 episode anime, its actually pretty decent development, although something I'd say could have still used a bit more. Takumi Hira is also a member of the track and field club, and is a friend of Akane, with a romantic interest in her. Unlike Chinatsu, he does get hardly any development as a character, especially one involved with the main characters' love triangle. His character needed the most work, but I forgave the fact simply for it being a 12 episode anime. The two main's have very different dreams and goals in life, yet their hands still find their way to eachother. It's this that makes it such an interesting love to watch unfold. What was it that made them notice eachother? The story never really tells us flat out, but I believe the two characters were attracted to each other because they both think alike. Their energy levels mesh together perfectly, and while writing isn't Akane's passion, she enjoys listening Kotarou talk about it and read his writings; likewise Kotarou sucks at running, but gets a thrill out of watching Akane do it. They weren't drawn to each other for any specific reason, rather then just liking the person. While they might be labeled "dull and boring" its really only a matter of perspective. However, TGK focuses on being true-to-life, not overly dramatic, and not exaggerative in its emotions (blushing, stammering, interruptions with comedy, etc). The awkwardness of their adolescence is handled very delicately and in extreme perfection. For what it aims to be, TGK hits 10/10! From start to finish, I completely and utterly enjoyed TGK. The romance made my heart pound, my eyes water, and my imagination soar. The ending especially really tore my heart apart with feels. The extra bit after the credits is really the perfect conclusion to such an anime. Take your time watching it.. that scene in particular really hit me with feels. Tsuki ga Kirei consumed me emotionally. Not because it was tragedy like Clannad, oh no. It consumed me because it completely nails a realistic love story I would have given anything to make my reality. Actually, TGK is the only anime to make me cry more and to drop into a deeper depression then after Clannad. I would love to rewatch this anime someday, but a bit worried about all those feels coming to consume me again... it truly is a romantic masterpiece. I'd give Tsuki ga Kirei an 11/10 if I could. This passion-filled anime romance is truly my unsurpassed favorite. It's a rare romantic masterpiece that progresses naturally instead of resorting to the typical anime tropes. Unfortunately, this type of anime is so rare that many people can't understand the beautiful, complex simplicity that is love. I am so overwhelmed with emotion and overcome by romantic fuzzies every time I even think about this anime or hear its soundtrack. I can't stand how adorable the romance is between Akane and Kotarou, makes my heart flutter even still. TGK had way too many moments when I had to take a breather and calm down.. really made me go on an emotional high. Expect some major PAMDS and tears in the end.. I can't even write this review without getting a shaking hand and romantic desires in my heart... and its been months since I first saw it! Thats why I'm so incredibly passionate about my love towards TGK... it truly is unrivaled. The anime itself was also way more enjoyable than a lot of other (good) romances I've seen, because it wasn't focused on getting the main couple together in the end, but rather spent each episode making progress towards a greater and deeper love. I'd recommend Tsuki ga Kirei to slice of life/romance fanatics who have enough brain to understand the true beauty of a simple and subtle romance story. The key thing to remember is that TGK doesn't tell a story, but rather shows us one. Be prepared for an emotional and heartfelt ride with lots of feels, tears, and warm fuzzies. This anime is great for fans of emotional and realistic toned animes such as 5 Centimeters Per Second, Silent Voice, or Ef: Tale of Memories.


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